About me
Hi, I'm Julia
User Experience Designer specializing in Interaction Design
My journey to UX Design
I’ve always been interested in art and aesthetics, and also how things work. Both of these things fit perfectly with User Experience Design. The art of making something beautiful and the science of making something effortless to use.
Design principles
I have experience with the entire design process, but specialize in visual design and brand consistency. I believe keeping organized files and detailed design systems is important for efficiency, collaboration, and higher quality designs.
Inclusivity is very important, everyone deserves to be considered as technology advances. I stay up to date in accessibility standards and awareness of how my designs could impact different people, and push for accessibility to be a priority wherever I go.
I have always aimed to help people, no matter how small the difference. Sometimes design can be focused on functionality, but usually there’s a way to make things easier for people, and I always look out for ways to have a positive impact on the world.